PM mourns deaths in Japan volcano


BSS, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has expressed profound shock and sorrow at the loss of lives of more than 50 people and concern for the missing persons following sudden volcanic eruptions in Japan.
In a condolence message sent to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Sheikh Hasina expressed deep shock at the loss of lives more than 50 people and concern for the missing persons following sudden volcanic eruptions at Nagano Prefecture’s Mount Ontake in Japan on September 27, the deadliest since World War-II.
On behalf of the people and the government of Bangladesh, and on her own behalf, the Bangladesh Prime Minister expressed her deepest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones and sincere sympathy to the families whose near and dear ones suffered injuries and for those still missing.
Sheikh Hasina also wished the ongoing rescue operations success and expressed her readiness in providing assistance and cooperation in this regard.
