PM for strong stance against terrorism

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday asked the local administration and the law-enforcement agencies alongside the public representatives to take a strong stance against terrorism and militancy.
“There’ll be no place for terrorism and militancy in the country. Bangladesh is a peaceful country and we want to ensure socioeconomic development of our country being as a peaceful country,” she said.
The Prime Minister was speaking at a videoconferencing with the district development committees of Patuakhali and Netrakona at the Cabinet Division conference room yesterday. Cabinet Secretary M Musharraf Hossain Bhuiyan conducted the videoconferencing.
Deputy Commissioner of Netrakona Dr Tarun Kanti Sikder, Police Super Md Zakir Hossain Khan, District Council Administrator and acting district unit AL president Md Motiur Rahman Khan, Patuakhali Deputy Commissioner Amitav Sarker, Police Super Syed Mushfiqur Rahman and District Council Administrator Khan Mosharraf Hossain, among others, spoke during the videoconferencing.
Hasina also extended her thanks to the administration, members of law-enforcement agencies and the public representatives for tackling the overall situation across the country over the last three months with patience.
The Prime Minister said, the BNP-Jamaat along with their allies have unfortunately unleashed violence
across the country through making arson attacks, burning people to death.
“You (administration and law enforcement agencies) would take proper steps so that no one could carry out such incidents in the future. “We want no reoccurrence of any terrorist and militant activity,” she added.
Hasina said, she has no word to denounce the heinous acts committed by the BNP-Jamaat and their allies over the last three months like burning people to death and causing damage to public life and property in the name of hartal and blockade. “I don’t know whether such politics is done for people. What kind of politics it is to burn people to death?”
“All must take a strong step towards maintaining law and order situation, ensuring the security of public life and property, and against terrorism and militancy,” she said.
Turning to the incidents of nor’wester across the country in recent times, Hasina asked the local administration to remain always alert, stand beside the affected people and discharge their duties properly since the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief and the PMO would extend necessary cooperation in this regard.
She said the aim of holding such videoconferencing is to hear from the local administration and the public representatives so that the development works are completed speedily and properly which are very much indispensable. “Because, we’ve a particular goal as we want to turn Bangladesh into a more prosperous and developed country.”
Regarding the development of southern region, Hasina said this region was once highly much neglected, but her government has launched massive development schemes there to ensure a balanced socioeconomic development of the country.
She mentioned the works of establishing power plants there alongside the Paira Seaport and a naval base. She informed that a new division of Bangladesh Army would also be set up there.
Citing huge potentials of the Barisal region, Hasina said once Barisal was regarded as the ‘Venice’ of Bangladesh and this Division could play an important role towards ensuring food security and meeting the demand of protein.