PM for `strong global partnership` on digital cooperation

BSS, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday stressed the need for a “strong global partnership” on digital cooperation for the future generation to achieve common goals.
She made the comments at a high-level virtual event on the sidelines of the 75th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) at the UN headquarters in New York.
While delivering her pre-recorded statement at the event titled “Digital Cooperation: Action Today for Future Generations”, the prime minister mentioned that the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the strength of digital services and also exposed the stark digital divide.
“Around half of the world’s population does not have access to basic internet. We must close this gap,” she said.
The premier the government has envisioned a “Digital Bangladesh” by 2021 and witnessed a boom in internet use due to its push for digitalisation.
“The total number of internet users stood at 103.48 million. Our digitalisation has afforded our people huge opportunities to become change-makers,” she said.
Hasina said the government’s focus on digital
connectivity has facilitated economic development and catalysed social changes, including women’s empowerment. “It’s helping SDGs implementation and fighting against Covid-19,” she said.
“As we set to transform Bangladesh into an advanced economy by 2041, we wish to place our younger generation at the center of this transformative journey,” she continued.
In this connection, the premier pledged to establish digital academies and centres of excellence in every secondary school of the country by 2030 considering the emerging job markets led by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda, Chua Sook Keong, CEO, Singtel; Tim Berners Lee, founder of WWW, Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University were present at the event as the panelists.
The premier joined the event at the invitation of Henrietta Fore, Executive Director, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and Houlin Zhao, Secretary General, International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
