
With Words During Quarantine

Md. Abdur Rahim :
Educational institutions being closed for global coronavirus pandemic, the students cannot contact the teachers directly. They are not getting any instruction from the teachers. On the other hand, the teachers have also been feeling bored staying at home for days together. I think my effort can dispel the boredom of both the students and teachers if they go through my lesson.
I have prepared the lesson on some specific words with their different forms adding prefixes and suffixes which are included in the syllabuses of English 2nd paper in classes eight, nine and ten. For this purpose, I have selected some pairs of adjectives like (glad, red), (mad, sad), (weak, quick), (pure, sure), (able, noble), (rough, tough), (tight, bright) and (black, slack). There is a similarity of sounds of the words belonging to the same pair.
Now, let us enjoy an interesting rhyme first. In the rhyme, all the adjectives have been turned into verbs and the adjectives have been used at the end of each sentence to maintain the rhythms. Before presenting the rhyme, the teacher can ask the students to make the verb form of every adjective mentioned above. Then the rhyme can be presented.
List of Adjectives —Verb forms —Meanings or synonyms
Glad——————–Gladden (to make somebody feel glad)
Red———————Redden (to make something red)
Mad———————Madden (to make a person or an animal angry or crazy)
Sad——————— Sadden  (to make someone feel disappointed)
Weak——————-Weaken (to make someone or something less powerful)
Quick——————-Quicken  (to make something quicker)
Pure——————–Purify (Clarify)
Sure——————–Ensure (Make certain)
Able——————–Enable (Capacitate)
Noble——————Ennoble (to give somebody or something a better moral character)
Rough—————–Roughen (to make something rough)
Tough—————–Toughen  (to become or make something stronger)
Tight—————— Tighten (Fasten)
Bright—————– Brighten (to make something brighter in colour)
Black——————-Blacken (to become black or make something black)
Slack——————-Slacken (to make something become slower or less active)
The Rhyme
Gladden the people who are not glad,
Redden the circle as it is not so red.
Don’t madden him thinking to be mad,
Don’t sadden them more as they are sad.
Don’t weaken them as they are weak,
Quicken them as they are not quick.
Purify the water which is not pure,
Ensure your presence to make us sure.
Enable them as they are not able,
Ennoble those who are not noble.
Don’t roughen it as it already rough,
Don’t toughen the question more as it is tough.
Tighten the tie as it is not so tight,
Brighten your hair as it is not bright.
Blacken the circle as it is not so black,
Slacken the belt as it is not so slack.
Now, let us turn all the adjectives into adverbs and use them in sentences.The answers can be elicited from the students.
1. Gladly: (Cheerfully, gleefully) I accepted the invitation gladly.
2. Redly: (with a red colour) A bonfire was blazing redly in the dark.
3. Madly: (in a wild , uncontrolled way) Don’t behave madly with others.
4. Sadly: (unfortunately) The man returned home sadly getting no help.
5. Weakly: (in a weak manner) He smiled weakly at me.
6. Quickly : (fast) Time does not pass quickly for the people who are quarantined.
7. Purely: (only, completely) He did the work purely for reputation.
8. Surely: (Certainly) He would surely come if you invited him.
9. Ably: skillfully and well) The doctors ably treated the coronavirus infected patients.
10. Nobly: (in a morally good or generous manner), He tolerated everything nobly.
11. Roughly: a. (approximately) There were roughly 200 students in the auditorium.
b. (in a way that does not leave a smooth surface) The walls were roughly plastered.
12. Toughly: (in a way that shows somebody is strong or determined) We contested toughly to win the game
13. Tightly: (Closely and firmly) The baby clutched the toy tightly.
14. Brightly: ( In a way that is full of light) The sun was shining brightly.
15. Blackly: (wickedly, darkly) They blackly contrived a plot to take revenge.
16. Slackly :(loosely) The cable was fitted to slackly.
Now, let us turn all these adjectives into nouns and use them in sentences. Answers may be elicited from the students.
1. Gladness: (joy, happiness) Their gladness gave me much satisfaction.
2. Redness: (the state of being red or reddish) The redness of my skin has made me worried.
3. Madness: (insanity) It is sheer madness to drive a motorcycle without wearing the helmet.
4. Sadness: (the feeling of being sad) His sadness knew no bounds at his father’s death.
5. Weakness: (lack of strength) This medicine can dispel your weakness.
6. Quickness: (the quality of being fast) I was stunned at his quickness.
7. Purity: (the state of not being mixed with anything else) The purity of milk sold in the bazar should be tested.
8. Sureness: (the quality of being sure or confident) There is sureness of his joining the meeting.
9. Ability: (capability) He has much ability to do the work.
10. Nobility: (the quality of being noble in character) I was satisfied at his nobility.
11. Roughness: (the state of having an uneven surface) The roughness of the road causes accidents.
12. Toughness: (the quality of being strong) The toughness of the question made the examinees perplexed.
13. Tightness: (the quality of being fixed or fastened) People criticized the tightness of her dress.
14. Brightness: (the state of shining with) The brightness of the light dazzles me.
15. Blackness: (the state of being black or dark) He left me in complete blackness.
16. Slackness: (the state of being slower or less active than usual) The boss criticized the slackness of his subordinates.
In this ways, we can make new words from the known ones and use them in different situations. At the same time we can enrich the vocabulary of the students.

(Md. Abdur Rahim, Assistant teacher, Sabera Sobhan Govt. Girls’ High School, Brahmanbaria)
