Playgrounds disappearing

Young generation diverting to internet games, drugs, violence: Public places used for markets, apartments, other establishments

Sagar Biswas :
Two to three decades ago, there were dozens of open spaces, playgrounds and parks in the city where children as well as young generation had a scope for playing different outdoor games and doing physical exercise.

But these days have gone. Now most of the city’s open spaces, playgrounds and parks are either illegally encroached by the influential quarters, or the owners themselves have turned the places into clumsy supermarkets or high-rise apartments.

There is a big field of around 21 bighas at Dhupkhola. Now the field has been shrinking due to construction of community centre and other business establishments. It is only an example. In fact, the scenario is the same at each and every area in the city.

There were also playing grounds in some schools where students had an opportunity for playing games and sports. But in several cases, these fields have disappeared. Of them, the playgrounds of Muslim High School at Laxmi Bazar and Bangladesh Bank Colony are totally unusable.

Admitting the fact, Chief Executive Officer of Dhaka South City Corporation [DSCC] Khan Mohammad Bilal said, “Some play grounds and parks in the busy city areas have been partially grabbed. We’ve taken initiatives to take them back. We’ve also a plan for the development of these public places.” In absence of playing facilities, the children and young generation have now two options in their hands-one is internet based games and another is intoxicating drugs. Besides, a large number of youths are now diverting to violence and crime, where recent gang fights in the city’s Uttara and Mirpur are mentionable.

Particularly, the condition of Dhaka old part, which is under jurisdictions of DSCC, is highly miserable. Most of the open spaces in this area are now occupied with buildings and other commercial establishments.


According to information available, there are nine fields in DSCC area including Golapbagh Maath, Lalbagh Shoshanghat Maath, Sadeq Hossain Khoka Maath at Begumganj, Bangladesh Maath at Aga Sadek Road, Kellar Morh Maath and Armanitola Maath.

Of the fields, the City Corporation had tried to construct a parking zone at Armanitola, but failed to do it due to severe protest from the local residents. While visiting the spot, it was seen that the playing ground has been damaged seriously due to piling of huge waste and lack of maintenance.

Recently, the DSCC authorities have recaptured the Golapbagh Maath from the clutch of a contractor farm Orion Group, which had illegally grabbed the area for keeping construction materials with building a house. However, the playing atmosphere has not yet returned there.
 “We’ve taken a project to develop and modernize each and every playing ground. Already we have recaptured some fields to give a breathing space to the children and young generation. Games and Sports are very much needed for the children; otherwise the new generation will be derailed,” DSCC Mayor Sayeed Khokan said recently.
It is mentionable that there are 27 parks and nine playgrounds under Dhaka North City Corporation, but most of them are unusable due to lack of supervision and maintenance.

Meanwhile, expressing severe dissatisfaction, the urban planners and environmentalists have categorically blamed corruption of the city officials for the grabbing of open places. The City Corporation authorities should ensure the civic rights by keeping parks free and playground from the grabbers, they said.

 “The green activists raised protests against open space grabbing in past, but the City Authorities did not take any action though the properties belong to them. We think, the disappearance of playing grounds and open spaces is suicidal,” General Secretary of Bangladesh Paribesh Andolan MA Matin said.
Not only the playgrounds, the influential quarters have also grabbed most of the parks under the DSCC due to relaxed mood of authorities concerned. Sources close to the DSCC told The New Nation that out of 27 parks two completely disappeared where the grabbers have built different establishments including markets and multi-storey houses.

Besides, the grabbers are conducting illegal construction work in 10 other parks. Although the authorities allocate big amount of budget and assign manpower for the maintenance, in fact the City Corporation officials allow this encroachment allegedly in exchange of bribe from the grabbers.

“The parks and other open spaces are frequently grabbed by the government organizations, Local Administration, Bus Owners’ Association, Truck Owners’ Association and other vested quarters,” Joint Secretary of BAPA Alamgir Kabir said.
