Players` union calls for `stringent` checks on FIFA contenders


AFP, London :The international professional footballers union FIFPRO on Friday called for the “most stringent tests of integrity” to be applied to candidates for the presidency of scandal-tainted FIFA.With the deadline for candidates looming on Monday, FIFPRO gave a clear indication that it believes only a candidate from outside FIFA can lead football’s global governing body out of its current crisis.With FIFA’s outgoing president Sepp Blatter and the leading candidate to take over, Michel Platini, both now suspended, FIFPRO said: “There is no doubt the present mayhem has left FIFA morally bankrupt.”The union has already declared that it has “no confidence in FIFA’s ability to reform from within.””A clean break from the past is essential for FIFA to climb out of the toxic pit which continues to produce serious accusations of corrupt behaviour on almost a daily basis,” said a statement which sets out the organisation’s criteria for candidates.The players’ union said any replacement for Blatter elected on February 26 would need experience to “drive reform” of a “politically complex global body”, experience of governance and human rights, and understanding of football as a sport and business.
