Planning Commission finalises Tk 965b ADP

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The Planning Commission has finalised a Tk 965 billion annual development programme (ADP) for the upcoming 2015-16 fiscal year, with the communication sector ticked off for the highest allocation.
A commission meeting, chaired by Planning Minister AHM Mostafa Kamal, on Thursday finalised the ADP.
It also earmarked Tk 40 billion for projects to be implemented by autonomous bodies or corporations with their own funds. The ADP will be placed for approval at the May 14 National Economic Council meeting, to be chaired by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
According to the working paper of the commission meeting, the new ADP is 15.17 percent larger than the original ADP and 23.33 percent than the revised ADP for the current FY. This FY’s original ADP was Tk 803.15 billion which was later downsized to Tk 750 billion.
The government will provide Tk 580 billion from its own funds and receive Tk 345 billion in project aid to implement the new ADP.
The ADP earmarks the highest amount of Tk 202.36 billion for the communication sector with Tk 70 billion for the Padma Bridge alone. Among other sectors, Tk 154.85 billion is being given to power, Tk 104.58 billion for physical planning, water supply and housing, Tk 100.39 billion for education and religious affairs, Tk 84.35 billion for rural development, and Tk 60.81 billion for health.