Plan to abolish quota from jobs of 2 grades a deception: BNP


BNP senior leader Moudud Ahmed on Tuesday said the recommendation for abolishing the quota system for Grade-I and Grade-II jobs in civil service is a ‘deception’ by the government.
Speaking at a discussion, he also feared that the country will witness many changes in the next one month ahead of the national election.
“Those who waged a movement sought reform in all government jobs. They didn’t seek such reform what the government committee recommended. It’s a deception,” the BNP leader said.
Moudud also accused the government of betraying the quota-reform demonstrators with the recommendation. “It (recommendation) needs to be reconsidered. We’ve sympathy for the demonstrators. I believe their movement won’t go in vain.”
Bangladesh Jatiya Manabadhikar Parishad arranged the programme at the Jatiya Press Club.
A government committee has recently recommended scrapping the quota system for class-I and class-II jobs in government jobs. Moudud, a BNP standing committee member, said the students demanded for the reform in quota for ensuring proper evaluation of merit at all stages of the government jobs. “But the recommendation is given for removing quota system for Class I and Class II jobs.”
He said, the country’s young generation did not have any idea about the nature of Awami League and its traits. “They’ve realised it through the government’s attitude towards the students during the movements for safe roads and quota reform. The government deceived the demonstrators.”
The BNP leader said, the new generation will not vote for Awami League in the next election as the government deceived them.
Moudud alleged that the government is talking about formation of an election-time government though there is no such provision in the Constitution. “It’s an imaginary proposal.”
He, however, said an election-time neutral government can be constituted going beyond the Constitution through discussions with political parties.
“The time is running out fast. There’s a big challenge for us to restore people’s voting rights. Only one month is left, and there’ll be many changes in the country during this period,” the BNP leader observed.
