PKSF gives 5,601 poor youths skill-based training

Economic Reporter :
Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) provided skill-based training to 5,601 poor and marginalized youths under its ‘Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP)’ project in the last one and a half year and 70 percent of these trained youths are now in productive self and wage employment.
“We’ve given skill-based training to 5,601 youths since December, 2015 and most of these youths are now in productive self and wage employment. PKSF is ensuring demand driven skill-based training among the poor people under the SEIP project with a view to creating wage and self employment,” said Deputy Managing Director of PKSF Dr Md Jasim Uddin.
While talking, he said PKSF has taken up SEIP project in December, 2015 with a target to train 10,000 poor and marginalized youths to create wage and self employment. Youths are given three and six months training in 13 technical trades and 20 percent of these youths are women, he added.
About the selection of youths for the training, SEIP coordinator Md Abul Kasem said PKSF selects the trainees through its Partner Organizations (POs) from their organized group members under inclusive financing program. But youths who come from families in the country’s costal region and char areas get priority.
He said PKSF has a total of 22 selected training institutions across the country and training are given in 13 courses including IT outsourcing, automobile mechanics, welding and fabrication and mechanical agricultural farming.
According to PKSF, trainees of aged 15 or above are selected from the partner organizations of PKSF where project will bear all expenditures of trainees except only 10 percent of the accommodation and food cost to ensure effective participation. The government spends Tk 41,000 for each trainee of a three month course and Tk 67, 000 for each trainee of a six month course.