Crab collecting season starts: Pirates still active in Sundarbans

Ahsanul Amin George back from Sundarbans :
In spite of several surrendering and killing of forest robbers in gunfight with law enforcers, different pirate gangs are still active in the Sundarbans.
 More than once, different robber gangs surrendered before the Home Minister and drives are going on against the pirates, but the rest members of those gangs have been making new gangs who are ferociously active in the Sundarbans.
 Recently two pirates were killed in a gunfight in Barguna adjacent to the Sundarbans.
Besides, so many forest robbers were killed at several periods at several places adjacent to the Sundarbans in different gunfights with the members of law enforcers including Rab, Police and Coastguard. But new pirate gangs have created in the mean time who are still committing their misdeeds such as abduction of fishermen, looting valuable goods and realizing ransom, sources said.
Crab collecting season already started in the Sundarbans, but the crab collectors are in fear of attack of pirates.
At least 60 fishermen were abducted from Koyala area of the Bay of Bengal by the forest robber gang ‘Alim Bahini’ and this occurrence created agitation among the administrations.
Officials of the elite forceRAB-6 said, forces arrested three ferocious robbers of Alim Bahini from Sharonkhola range of the Sundarbans on along with some fire arms on December 4, 2016. On the same day a fisherman who managed to escape from the scene told the journalists that 60 fishermen were abducted on demand of ransome by the forest robber gang named ‘Alim Bahini’. Residents of the abducted fishermen are at different places of Patuakhali and Chittagong.
On the other hand 12 members of a forest robber gang named Khoka Bahini surrendered before the Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal. Only after three days of this “surrendering ceremony” , 20 fishermen were abducted and 7 fishing trawlers wewre looted from Mandarbaria area in the shore of the Bay by the forest robber gang Jahangir Bahini.
Maksudul Alam, assistant conservator of forest (ACF) of Satkhira range of the Sundarbans said. activities of the pirates are continuing in the Sundarbans area.
Fishermen sources said, pirates swoop on them while fishing and loot trawlers and goods belonged to them and there after they demand ransom huge amount of taka.