Pir’ jailed for raping teenage girl

UNB, Chandpur :
A court here on Thursday afternoon sent a ‘Pir’ to jail in a case over raping a teenage girl in Faridganj upazila.
Senior Judicial Magistrate court judge Md Shafiul Azam also ordered police to investigate the allegation after hearing.
On January 24, the victim,17, filed the case
accusing Abu Bakar Siddique Atiqullah, 57, Pir at Subidpur Darber Sharif at Subidpur Pschim village in Faridganj Upazila. She worked as a domestic help in the Pir’s house.
According to the case statement, during her stay at the house of the Pir, he raped the girl on 15 September, 2016. Two months after the incident, her family married the girl off to a man of the neighbouring village in the same Upazila. Her husband’s family raised question when the victim gave birth to a baby boy seven months after her marriage. An arbitration was also held without any solution. Later, the victim filed the rape case with Faridganj Police Station and police arrested the accused on the same day.