Pintu killed at Hasina’s behest, says Khaleda

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Sunday night alleged that her party’s assistant organising secretary Nasiruddin Ahmed Pintu was killed at the behest of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
“I want to clearly state that Pintu has been killed and a trial of this murder must be held. Hasina and others involved in the murder won’t be spared,” she said while exchanging greetings with the Buddhist community members on the occasion of Buddha Purnima at her Gulshan office.
The BNP chief questioned as to why the jail authorities did not ensure Pintu’s treatment as per a High Court order. “We know nothing happens without Hasina’s order. Pintu was taken to Rajshahi jail from Dhaka at her behest. So, she is responsible for the killing,” a Khaleda observed.
At the beginning of her speech, the BNP chairperson expressed deep shock at the death of Pintu and termed him a dedicated and tested leader and organiser.
“But Pintu died without proper treatment in jail. We’ve heard that a doctor went to the jail to treat him but he was not allowed to enter the jail. Will you call them human being? They’re actually devil,” Khaleda added.
She alleged that though Pintu was an MP the authorities were not allowing to hold
his namaj-e-janaza at the Sourh Plaza of parliament as per tradition. Referring to the disappearance of BNP joint secretary general Salahuddin Ahmed, Khaleda said the law enforcers picked him up. “We want to know, where’s Salahuddin? Return him to his family unharmed. No one will be spared if anything happens to him,” she warned.
“We can’t sit idle when our leaders and activists are being killed one after another. We want peace, democracy, development and people’s security. The government must ensure that. Otherwise, people will determine which path-peaceful or violent one-they will follow to get rid of this repressive, killer and lady Hitler,” Khaleda said.
She also called upon people to get united and take to the streets peacefully to register their protests against the government. Accusing the Prime Minister of letting loose the ruling party’s cadres only to stay in power and oppress opposition, Khaleda warned that a time will come when Sheikh Hasina will not be able to control them.
“A situation will be created when they (AL) will be attacked by their own party men and they will be finished by the Frankensteins they have created,” she said.
Referring to the recently held city polls, Khaleda said massive rigging, capturing of polling stations by the ruling party cadres have proved their decision of boycotting the January 5 national election was the right one.
She also came down hard on Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Rakibuddin Ahmad for his remarks that the city corporation election was free and fair and said he is worthless and blind for which he could not see the election manipulation.
Meanwhile, the BNP chief will go to her party’s Nayapaltan central office on Monday morning to show her last respect to Pintu.