Pink buffalo caught attention of buyers at Ishwardi


Ishwardi (Pabna) Correspondent :
Pink buffaloes have caught the attention of buyers for sacrifices at Ishwardi. Pink buffaloes have been reared in several farms adjacent to Arankola Hat in the municipal area. Buyers are coming to the farm to buy these buffaloes from far and wide. Looking online is buying pink buffalo.
Pink buffaloes are rare and attract buyers. Many have never seen a buffalo of any color other than black. Hundreds of people are flocking to the farm every day to see this rare buffalo. Although pink buffaloes have been reared on Arankola farms for about three or four years, this is the first time that pink buffaloes are being sold for sacrifice.
Mahabubul Alam Alo, owner of Alo Dairy Farm in Arankola, said he has two pink buffaloes on his farm. This time he will sell them as a sacrifice. Every day buyers are coming and bargaining. Many people are coming to see the pink buffalo out of curiosity. These can be sold at any time.
Shamim Hossain, owner of Mama Krishi Farm, said he bought two pink buffalo calves from Arankola Hat three and a half years ago for Tk. 2,50,000. He sold two buffaloes for Tk.9 lakh. This buffalo is as calm in nature as the black buffalo. There is no change in eating habits.
