Pinak-6 search ends without any results

The search operation for sunken passenger vessel Pinak-6 has been stalled “considering practical reality, the river condition and bad weather.”
The search operation for sunken passenger vessel Pinak-6 has been stalled “considering practical reality, the river condition and bad weather.”

Munshiganj Deputy Commissioner Saiful Hasan Badal made the announcement at Padma Guest House in Mawa on Monday. “The government, the administration and the public have done everything possible. Unfortunately we have not found the launch,” DC Hasan told the press. “Considering the practical reality, river and the weather conditions, we believe there is no further scope of continuing the search operation. No positive outcome is possible if we continue the search.” The DC said the bodies of the victims of the tragedy had already decomposed and many had been buried without identification. “Considering all these things, we have, however, decided that until further orders administrations and police forces of all the downstream districts and the coast guard will be on the lookout for the bodies,” he said. “If we find even one body, it will be sent to Madaripur. We will try to identify the body and hand it over to the family. This task will continue.” He said the shipping minister had told him that one of the salvage ships would be on permanent stand-by at Mawa since it was such a busy terminal. “If we all act responsibly, hopefully we will be able to avoid such accidents in the future,” he said. ‘Traditional’ search will continue, the DC added. By the district administration’s latest count, 46 dead bodies had been recovered, of whom 18 remained unidentified and would be buried after Asr prayers on Monday. The number of missing was 61 at final count.–
