Piasa, Mou in fresh remanded


Two separate courts here on Friday remanded two so-called models Faria Mahbub Piasa and Mariyam Akter Mou for different terms in connection with four separate narcotics cases lodged with different police stations in the capital.
Of the two, Piasa was placed on a total of eight-day remand in three cases lodged with the capital’s Gulshan, Bhatara, and Khilkhet police stations.
Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Rajesh Chowdhury passed the orders, placing Piasa on two, three, and another three-day remand in cases lodged with Gulshan, Bhatara and Khilkhet Police Stations.
Earlier, the court showed her arrested in the last two cases.
Meanwhile, Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Satyabrata Shikder placed another model Mariyam Akter Mou on a four-day remand in another narcotics case filed with the capital’s Mohammadpur Police Station.
Detective branch (DB) of police in simultaneous raids detained Piasa from her Baridhara flat and Mou from her Mohammadpur flat on August 1 night and recovered different narcotics from their houses.
Police conducted the raids following allegations of their involvement with a blackmailing gang. According to the police, Piasa and Mou used to lure the young people of high-class society to their flats and supply them with different drugs. At one stage Piasa, Mou, and their gang members used to take their intimate photographs.
Later, they used to blackmail the persons with the photographs and realize huge sums of money from them.
