Photo of Indian woman trying to resuscitate dying husband goes viral


News Desk :
Seeing her Covid-19 positive husband gasping for breath, Renu Singhal tried to resuscitate him but couldn’t save his life in India’s Agra.
Ravi Singhal, died on his wife’s lap in an auto-rickshaw outside a hospital in Agra, even as she performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on him, reports India Today.
Renu Singhal, a resident of Awas Vikas Sector 7 in Uttar Pradesh’s Agra, had brought Ravi Singhal (47) to the Sarojini Naidu Medical College (SNMC) and Hospital after he experienced breathlessness.
As his condition deteriorated, in desperate attempts to save him, Renu even tried to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to him in the auto-rickshaw but Ravi died gasping for breath.
Photos of a visibly distraught Renu went viral on social media, adding to the hot button issue of India’s healthcare system under immense pressure from a massive surge in Covid-19 cases.
