Philippines President Duterte face investigation over extra-judicial killings

THE New Nation reported on Friday citing BBC online news that Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte faces probe over his claims of extra-judicial killings. The country’s independent Human Rights Commission has already initiated a move to investigate the claim by President Duterte that he had killed drug suspects while he was Mayor of Davao, a southern city. The Commission will also examine reports that death squads had killed several hundred people in that city when he was city Mayor.

Since he took over as President in May this year he has also launched a crackdown on ‘drug dealers’ in which death squads and vigilantes have killed over 6,000 people so far in some estimates. Their bodies were found lying in the streets mostly in the morning with a tag on their bodies branding them as criminals.

Mr. Duterte openly confessed to the BBC last week that he shot dead three men. Critics say he has encouraged killing squads to shoot suspected drug dealers and users on sight. He was Mayor of Davao for two decades. During that time he earned a reputation for harshly suppressing crimes and was accused of sponsoring death squads. He is in global headlines in recent past.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein on Tuesday said Mr. Duterte’s claims “clearly constitute murder.” He called on authorities to investigate. In fact preliminary investigation has already started. Meanwhile, Mr Duterte on Sunday threatened to blow the UN headquarters if the world body comes to interfere. He is already known for his bad mouth and use of slander words on many occasions against US President Barack Obama for his stance on human rights.
It is yet to be seen what will be the outcome of the investigation that the Philippines Human Rights Commission has started. But it can be said without doubt that the initiative itself is the primary victory of democracy and rule of law that many countries could not have dared against a sitting President. Mr. Duterte is a public representative and President but he has been blamed for killing. He may be facing the probe but we don’t know whether or not he will be facing trial at a time when he is also enjoying support of the majority for his anti-crime drives.


Rule of law is the basis of democracy. It demands that law will take its own course. None will take law in his or her hands. Killing is a crime and can’t go unpunished and more so by an elected representative now the President. We must say the strength of Philippines democracy will face new challenge if the move against the President continues.

It appears that the country is going to brace for a new dictator who has rehabilitated former dictators late President Ferdinand Marcos in the national war cemetery in Manila last month despite protest from other democratic forces.

Where democracy is not tolerated, inhuman killer like Philippines President Duterte rules over in dictatorial style. Duterte knows best to kill people and create terror in public life, but he does not know that governance is not a killing affair.

The people of Philippines are anxious and they know how to rise against worst dictators.
