Petty crimes are committed more for poverty reason and police action alone is no solution


Malom party, meaning Dope-gang and muggers are desperately active in Dhaka. So movement in general and Eid shopping in particular has become risky for the city people. These criminals are active in disguise at bus, launch and train stations as well as at shopping malls. They often act as green coconut seller, beverage seller or tea trader and mix illegal drugs in these items to make the victims unconscious. Then they snatch valuable things including money from the victims. There are also many other tricks adopted by the criminals. It is one thing to see crime is bad and bad people do it. This is not the way to solve the problem. The arrests are made and then the fact remains nobody take such petty crimes seriously enough.We also do not believe that by putting people to suffer in jail does change anything. It is also wrong to think that confining them in jail will end the crime. The people at this level are committing crime because they have no honest way available for their survival contrary to the rich people who engage in crime to become richer. Punishing the rich criminals for their big crimes will certainly have good results for the society. But that is not happening under the present situation. But to deal with muggers and snatchers we have to think of finding jobs for them. A hungry man knows no law.We must think and try to find more practical and humane solutions to put a check on petty crimes. Police cannot offer solution to problems, they can only be active to use more police power and in the process aggravate the crisis.The police action does not solve any social problem. Many law and order situations arise from socio-political conditions. Any crime has a social background and putting persons in jail is not anything like seeking solution. We have to accept that poverty and unemployment are a serious challenge for maintaining law and order.So those who think that crimes are a problem for police only to deal, they are only anxious to hide the cruel reality about which they are incapable of doing the right thing.We saw in the past that when police acted on their own law and order situation was in a tolerable stage. But now we are seeing that some police act as political force compromising their efficiency and good name. There is no surprise that even petty criminals like dope gangs would take advantage of this weakness. In reality we are seeing this thing happening. So if the government wants to improve law and order situation, police should be given opportunity to act neutrally free from political pressure. In our view police must be watchful at all level during the festival on dope gangs.
