Perching method as alternative to pesticide gains popularity among Gopalganj farmers

GOPALGANJ: Birds seating on the poles to eat pests in Boro paddy field at Nilokkhi under Gopalganj Sadar.
GOPALGANJ: Birds seating on the poles to eat pests in Boro paddy field at Nilokkhi under Gopalganj Sadar.
Gopalganj Correspondent :
Perching method as alternative to pesticide has gained popularity among the rural farmers of the district in recent years, as it is playing significant role in protecting paddy field from pest attacks.
Indiscriminate use of toxic pesticide is threatening the ecology as some indigenous species of fish have already become extinct while many others are on the verge of extinction, sources said.
In this context, the field level Sub-assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAO) of Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) started motivational programme of the farmers to apply the method on their paddy field.
As per this motivation, the farmers have erected bamboo poles or branch trees on their paddy field at a particular distance. In search of food, the brides perch on the poles and eat the pests that harm the growth of the paddy plants.
Ranu Baidya, Sub-Assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAO), Gopalganj Sadar Upazila said, most of the farmers have learned how to protect their paddy field and save the money by using the effective natural method & too mass achieved used it, said SAAO of Durgapur union under Gopalganj Sadar Upazila.
Rupchan Bala (45), a farmer of village Nilokkhi under Durgapur union of Gopalganj Sadar Upazila said, earlier the remote farmers used this natural method for this crop land where spend about taka 350 for buying insecticides to use it per bigha of paddy field. At present, the farmers in this region have become accustomed to using this method as a result they got effective result to save their paddy field from pest attacked, Rupchan also said.
Ramesh Chandra Bramha, Deputy Director (DD) Agriculture, Gopalganj told The New Nation. the department under took the programme to popularized the method among the farmers a few years back so that the farmers could produce the paddy without using insecticides. We are trying our best to bring all the paddy field of the district under this perching method, though motivating the farmers by the field level SAAOs to help the growers produce BORO paddy without using insecticides on the land, he added.

According to Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Gopalganj, a total of 77530 hectares of land have been brought under Boro cultivation in the district during this current season, with a production target of 3,87,650 metric tonnes (MT). Where about 93,000 small & marginal farmer involved this farming this year, sources said.
