People’s unity now urgent need: Ershad


Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Muhammad Ershad termed the Friday night’s militant attacks, taking hostage of local and foreigners and killing and inflicting injuries to many persons at Holy Artisan Bakery at the diplomatic zone Gulshan a complicated problem of ultra-terrorism and said it’s an urgent need of the hour to forge unity of the people of the country for its solution.
“Without efficient concerted efforts, the target in this crisis would not only be strenuous to achieve but it would be nearly impossible,” he said in his reaction in a statement.
JP Chairman said that the situation came under control following united actions of police, RAB, BGB and the Army, Navy & other specialised forces.
“Such an extensive, ruthless and planned terrorist activity was first experienced in Bangladesh,” HM Ershad said expressing his deep sorrow and
anxiety over the bloody incident.
JP chief prayed for peace of the departed souls of those killed and early
recovery of those sustained injuries in the incident and conveyed his
sympathy to the bereaved families.
