Sylhet -Zakigonj bus strike continues: Peoples’ sufferings mount

S.A Shofiee, Sylhet :
Bus strike has been continued for 16 days till date, demanding repair of Sylhet- Zakigonj Highway from Shahgoli to Zakigonj Upazila headquarters (about 30 k.m.)Vehicles will not ply for an indefinite period. So the suffering of people has become acute.
Taking this opportunity, small vehicles run and collect twice or three times fare from the passengers as public transports has been going off.Since commodities are not being carried as usual, the price of essential commodities has been rising by leaps and bounds .Due to bus strike two main roads which communicate with Sylhet are without buses. As a result, people from all walk of life have been suffering for 16 days. Government loses it revenue daily. The concerned deferment has not been paying heed to the problem
suffered by people of three upazlias- Zakigonj , Kanaighat and Beanibazar in east Sylhet. During Pakistan period, Sylhet- Zakigonj was the longest road having no ferry. After Liberation, the aforesaid road has been metalled during 1980s. Excepting construction of some bridges,no significant development has been made on the regional highway over 91 kilometres from Sylhet -Zakigonj. Since 5th May transport labourers and owners jointly called for an indefinite strike But the administration is not taking any step to overcome it . As a result, people of this area suffer much in holy Ramadan in particular.
Affected people said due to the negligence of contractor and Road and Highway Department(R&H) long route transport called strike for an indefinite period. People use car, pickups, C.N.G for transport but the price is exorbitant. Now the condition of the road is improving claimed by Road and Highway Department (R&H) officials but strike has not been withdrawn.
SNJ B’S Director and Contractor Lutfur Rahman said,’ We have been working in 3 places that are part of Zakigonj side. Within one week we shall start work in two other spots. In Ramadan we are trying to work rapidly on 5 spots and hope to finish it. According to work order we are to complete the work within March 2020 but we hope to complete it by 2019.
Sylhet Divisional Labourers Federation President Folik Miah said,’We called strike as the road from Shahgoli to Zakigonj totally went dilapidated.
Before that we continued strike for 15 days and forged movement several times. But no result is seen. The owners of vehicles have been facing problems due to
worst condition of the highway . The strike will continue till the highway is repaired completely’
M.P of Syl-5 constituency and Whip of the Opposition Selim Uddin said that he urged the contractor to finish the work quickly, for which the people suffer a lot. When contacted over phone.
Numeri Zaman , Deputy Commissioner of Sylhet said that he met Sylhet Transport Owner Leaders And Transport Labourers Leaders and told them to work for the mitigation of public suffering particularly during the holy month of Ramadan. Executive Engineer (R&H) Mr. Utpol Shamonta said the renovation and repair work on Sylhet – Zakigonj Regional Highway has been in progress. He hoped this will be completed by June next.
