People’s democratic rights yet to be achieved: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Wednesday regretted that people’s democratic rights could not be achieved even after the country’s 46 years of independence.
“It’s regrettable that though we had waged the Liberation War in 1971 for ensuring people’s democratic and basic rights and for their freedom, we could not attain those even after 46 years of independence,” he said.
The BNP leader further said, “Democracy is now besieged while people are deprived of their basic rights. Even, we’ve lost our minimum democratic rights to franchise.”
Fakhrul came up with the remarks while talking
to reporters after placing wreaths at the Martyred Intellectuals Memorial at Mirpur, marking the Martyred Intellectuals Day.
BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia together with party leaders and activists, including Fakhrul, placed the wreaths around 10:30am paying homage to the great national heroes who were brutally killed by Pakistani occupation forces on this day. Fakhrul said Pakistanis killed the intellectuals just two days before victory as part of their evil design to make the national intellectually bankrupt. “But, it’s never possible to defeat a nation which attained independence through a war. That’s way we’ve stood up again with our heads high.”
“We want to take a vow afresh on this day to make Bangladesh a country of free thinking and free speech,” he added. Replaying to a question, Fakhrul said those who directly opposed the Liberation War and involved in war crimes should be tried. “BNP always in favour of trial of the war criminals, but it must not be held with a political motive.”