People`s army backing anti-people governments in Venezuela, Sudan and elsewhere will have consequences: Trump is no help

Sudanese opposition leaders rejected talks with country’s ruling generals after the death toll from a bloody crackdown on pro-democracy campaigners passed 100 and security forces arrested a senior opposition leader. The development came as diplomatic pressure mounted on Sudan’s Transitional Military Council and its regional allies to halt a Tiananmen Square-style attempt to crush the protest movement.
An opposition-allied doctors’ group said on Wednesday that 101 people including at least one child were confirmed dead and more than 300 injured since the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) attacked peaceful protesters in Khartoum on Monday morning. The casualties included some 40 bodies allegedly pulled out of the Nile and driven away by security forces.
Lt Gen Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the Chairman of the ruling Transitional Military Council, and his deputy Hamdan “Hemedti” Dagalo on Wednesday issued a surprise statement offering to investigate violence by security services and resume talks with opposition leaders. But opposition groups said the conciliatory statements were belied by continuing violence in Khartoum and they would “continue our protests and resistance.” Suspicion is the general wants to use the army as a military take over for remaining in power.
A similar situation exists in Venezuela where Nicolas Maduro, backed by the military as well as Cuba and Russia, has held on to power in the face of public uprising for destroying the country’s economy through corruption and incompetence. By way of the US support for ousting Maduro it imposed sanctions to make it more difficult for the present government to continue. That is only adding to misery for a nation hit hard by hyperinflation and widespread fuel, food and power shortages. But Maduro is relying on the support of the army he bought through special benefits against public demand for him to go.
Both these situations have one thing in common — the people’s military being used against the people for establishing authoritarian anti-people rule. This trend of people’s army betraying the people to impose undemocratic corrupt governments will certainly have long term unwelcome consequences. This attitude of the military to join authoritarian repressive governments showing no respect to the people or the people’s Constitutions has become a contagious phenomenon in developing countries. The same is the situation in Thailand and Myanmar where army had no difficulty in controlling the countries and enjoying all the state benefits. If the people cannot trust their own army as the power of the people then where they will turn to have a government of their own?
Democracy cannot be protected without international help. Once the United States was giving leadership to democratic free world. But under Trump presidency the United States cannot be relied on as world leadership against undemocratic oppressive governments. He runs America like a third world country leader where a country’s self-interest is first. In the absence of the US leadership for upholding the values of human rights and the rule of law rise of dictatorship with the help of army has become too easy. The countries moving towards corruption and misrule compelling the people to be anarchic in their own countries
Trump is not only a threat to the greatness attained by America’s founding fathers, he is helping spread of communist type of military dictatorship thereby isolating America from rest of the world. America must get rid of him for their own good and good of the free democratic world. Expressing concern for violation of human rights or stealing of election cannot have any impact if not backed up by real action. President Trump has failed to assert strength of the USA in Venezuela as well Crimea and Sudan. He is a businessman and does not know what international political leadership is. He is a third world country leader presiding over the most powerful and influential country in the world. He simply cannot comprehend it. He is a divider and destroyer of democracy in his own country. He is dangerous for world peace also.
There is much in America for his impeachment. It should be pursued diligently. America’s leadership for free world must be taken seriously and we are glad that the American people are struggling to push him out of their system.