People worried at high prices of kitchen items

Staff Reporter :
The people of fixed income groups are becoming worried as the price of fish, beef, chickens and egg are still high though the demand decreased after the month of Ramzan.
Visiting different kitchen markets on Friday the reporter observed that beef meat and mutton were selling at Tk 550 to 570 and mutton at Tk 750 to 800.
Of chicken, local (deshi) chicken weighing 800 gm to 900 gm increased by Tk 120 per kg and it was selling at Tk 600 per kg on Friday. Pakistani origin sonali cock weighing 600 gm was selling Tk 270 per piece. The white broiler chicken was selling at Tk 150 to Tk 165 per kg, mother chicken at Tk 200 per kg and deshi small size chicken at Tk 350 per piece only.
The demand for fresh water fish has increased. Price of those fishes has also increased. Climbing fish (Haor) was selling at Tk 500 to 600 per kg, butter fish at Tk 300 to 350, lobster at Tk 600 to 750, shrimp (River) at Tk 600 to 700, puti at Tk 300 to 350 per kg, cultivated koi at Tk 200 to 220 per kg, Fali Chanda (Rupchanda) at Tk 1000 to 1100 per kg, Eel at Tk 700 to 800 per kg, Batashi at Tk 400 to 500, Aire fish at Tk 700 to 900, Baila at Tk 600 to 800 per kg, Coral fish at Tk 500 to 700 per kg, river Pangas at Tk 400 per kg, cultivated Pangas at Tk 140 per kg, Rajputi at Tk 350 per kg and Telapia at Tk 200 to Tk 220 per kg, walking fish at Tk 600 per kg, Sheat at Tk 600 to 800 per kg, cat fish at Tk 700 to 800 per kg, Carp at Tk 280 to 300 per kg, Scorpion fish at Tk 500 to 700 per kg, Salmon (Rui) at Tk 300 to 350 per kg, tengra at Tk 500 to 600, lata at Tk 250, shoul at Tk 550, Pabda at 500 to 600 and Golsha at Tk 600-650.
The price of vegetables has remained stable. The horse radish
was selling at Tk 50 to 60 per kg, bean at Tk 50, brinjal at Tk 50 to 60, balsam apple at Tk 50 to 60, okra at Tk 40, bitter gourd at Tk 50, french beans (borboti) at Tk 70, carrot at Tk 80 to 100, tomato at Tk 60 to 80, snake gourd at Tk 50, spone gourd at Tk 50, cucurbitaceous at Tk 50, green chilli at 80 to 90, cucumber at Tk 35 to 40, green papaya at Tk 40 to 50, pumpkin (medium size) at Tk 50 to 90 per piece, bottle gourd at Tk 40 to 50, ash gourd at Tk 25 to 30 per piece, cauliflower at Tk 30 to 35 per piece, coriander leaves at Tk 200 per kg, capsicum (red) at Tk 400 per kg and capsicum (green) at Tk 300 to 350 per kg and lemon was selling at Tk 10 to Tk15 per piece.
Egg (broiler) was selling at Tk 35 per hali, local hen’s egg at Tk 70 hali and egg of duck was selling at Tk 45 to 50 per hali.
A one litre container of soya bean oil was selling at Tk 105-110, while a five-litre container at Tk 505-525 in the city’s kitchen markets. Unpacked soya bean oil was selling at Tk 98 a kg, while palm oil was selling at Tk 85 a kg. Fine quality of packet salt was selling at Tk 40 a kg, while the refined one at Tk 28 a kg in the city markets.
Of superior quality of rice, Nazirshail was selling at Tk 55 to 58 per kg, Minicate at Tk 54 to 55, medium quality of Bridhan-28 and Lata rice at Tk 42-46 while different kinds of coarse rice like Swarna were selling at Tk 42 and similarly the hybrid quality at Tk 44 to Tk 45 per kg.
The price of red lentil remained unchanged over the week. The local variety of red lentil was selling at Tk 110, while the coarse variety of imported red lentil was selling at Tk 85 over the week.
The local variety of onion was selling between Tk 28 and 35 per kg, imported Indian and variety at Tk 25 to 28. The garlic was selling at Tk 100 to 120 and ginger at Tk 100 to 120 per kg.