People want passport without any hassle, take action against brokers and dishonest officials


THE government had decentralised passport offices regionally to ease the process of getting passport. But the people have yet not got respite from the hands of brokers, as they have a mighty authority over the passport procedure. The officials are involved with them; it’s an open secret. The public sufferings also increase in getting clearance from the Special Branch of police, which is not obtainable without paying money.
Presently, an applicant has to pay Tk 3,450 for a passport with five-year validity while Tk 6,900 is needed for emergency delivery of a passport. The government officials and their dependents, however, get ‘express-service’ with Tk 3,450. But for submitting an application a broker demands extra at least Tk 1,500 to Tk 2,500. Sometimes the amount becomes double or triple in the case of emergency. The people also have to pay more money for express passport, as it is not allegedly delivered on time without involvement of brokers.
Several hundred fake passports in the name of Rohingyas have also been issued in this way. The absconding or most wanted criminals also collect passports using the same mechanism with fake police verification. It is not in the Agargaon passport head office only; the scenario is almost same at 71 offices in and outside the capital. In Chattogram, there is one divisional and another regional passport office– totally controlled by the brokers. Besides, it is almost impossible to submit application form without involving brokers in Rajshahi and Khulna too. Despite so many troubles, the authorities have issued about 2 crore MRP in the last few years.
Immediate step should be taken to make the passport making process hassle-free. There is no alternative except taking stern action against the syndicate of brokers and dishonest officials.
