People to decline any anti-govt programmes of oppositions : Salam


Chittagong Bureau :
 General Secretary of North District unit of Chittagong and Administrator of Chittagong ZilaParishad M A Salam said, the people of the country will reject any violence movement of BNP in the name of democratic rights and govt is pledged bound to protect the lives and security of the people at any cost.
 He said govt is ready to answer any such movement on plea of political programs. He disclosed it at an Eid reunion meeting with the party leaders and workers at Hathazari on Thursday .
He said BNP could not success any movement in the past and can’t expec t success in future also. BNPis people detached party .
 He also said the long uttered anti-govt movement of BNP won’t be able to unite the peace-loving people of Bangladeh.
About violence movement of the oppositions ,he said govt is fully prepared to face the anti-govt movement by the oppositions and to ensure the lives and properties of the people.
Govt will take any measures to ensure security of the citizens, he added. He said last parliamentary election was held peacefully and the voters gave mandate to Prime Minister for further 5 years term through spontaneous participation in the election held on January 5 last.
