People suffer as bridge lies with no approach road

Nilphamari Correspondent :
Nearly six thousand workers of different factories at Uttara Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in Nilphamari are suffering immensely while communicating to their destinations as a bridge on Chandrakura Canal is lying without approach roads for a year.
The 33-foot-long and 18-foot wide bridge on Darwani-Khansama road at Joychondi village under Sonarai union of the district is the only way of communication for hundreds of workers from surrounding 20 villages and it is only 400 metres from the boundary wall of Uttara EPZ. SadarUpazila Engineer of Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) Nuruddin Ahmed said Shah Anwar construction, a private owned company, was given the work order to construct the 33-foot-long and 18-foot wide concrete bridge on Chandrokura Canal along with 1,800 metre approach roads on both sides at a cost of Tk 1.53 crore. Although the contractor concerned completed the bridge construction work about a year ago, but kept the approach roads on both ends incomplete due to unknown reasons, causing untold suffering to thousands of villagers, especially the EPZ workers.
Shah Ahasan Habib Babu, convenor of Jagrato Sonarai, a voluntary organization, said this is just an utter negligence of LGED as they are yet to take any action against the contractor concern though the deadline of the work expired over a year ago.
Seventy-year-old Naliny Roy of the area said as this is the only way of communication for them, local people built a makeshift wooden-bridge six months ago.
MousumiAkhtar, a worker of a factory at EPZ, said they often have to face odd situation while crossing the makeshift wooden bridge as both ends remain crowded during office time.
She said sometimes they even fail to attend their workplace in time.
