Environ Day: People reconnect with nature

UNB, Dhaka :
Thousands of people are joining massive clean-ups of beaches and parks, countries are putting thousands of square kilometres under protection and over 25 iconic landmarks light up in green as people everywhere reconnect with nature on World Environment Day.
Celebrated on June 5th each year, World Environment Day is the largest global day for positive environmental action.
This year, the main celebrations are hosted by Canada under the global theme of connecting people to nature.
The theme highlights the vast benefits, from food security and improved health to water supply and climatic stability that natural systems and clean environments provide to humanity. It also encourages people to get outdoors and appreciate those benefits first-hand.
“The trappings of modern life, including skyscrapers, smartphones and fast food, are built atop a foundation of complex natural systems,” said UN Environment chief Erik Solheim. “Without healthy natural systems, our modern life begins to crumble.
“A seemingly insignificant change can cause disastrous effects. We see it with climate change. A small global increase in temperature is causing rising sea levels, more floods and droughts, and species to be decimated.”
World’s largest clean-up
In Mumbai, India, thousands have joined the world’s largest beach clean-up. Started in 2015 by UN Environment Champion of the Earth, Afroz Shah, the volunteer movement has so far removed 5.5 million kilograms of trash, transforming Versova beach from a forsaken dumpsite into a postcard destination.
“It is wonderful and amazing to see all stakeholders working together to make oceans plastic free.