People no longer want to see AL in power : BNP


Terming the Awami League government ‘illegal’, BNP standing committee member MK Anwar has said the people of the country alongside the international community no longer want to see AL in power.
“The present government of Awami League is illegal, and that’s why, the people of Bangladesh alongside the international community no longer want to see the party in power,” said MK Anwar.
 The BNP leader said this while addressing as the chief guest a rally at EPZ intersection in the city on Wednesday during a mass contact of the BNP-led 20-party alliance.
As part of a centrally declared programme, the 20-party alliance arranged the mass contact at seven spots in the city.
The spots include EPZ intersection, Boropole, Shubhapur Bus Stand, Alangkar, Oxygen, Bahadderhat intersection and Cinema Palace.
The programme began with the rally at EPZ intersection and ended at Cinema Palace. Besides, central BNP organising secretary Golam Akbar Khondokar, city BNP president Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury, General Secretary Dr Shahadat Hossen and other top leaders of the 20-party alliance addressed the rallies during the mass contact.
The BNP standing committee member also called upon the ruling party AL to hand over the power to the hands of the people without any delay.
“The AL is deceiving the people of the country claiming and campaigning that it had all-out support from the United Nations and international community behind January 5 parliamentary elections. Contrary to the campaign of the ruling party, the international community and UN did not support the AL-led government,” said MK Anwar.
“Hold parliamentary elections under a non-party caretaker government. We’ll accept the results of the election. Otherwise, the AL would have to face dire consequences,” said Anwar.
Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury said that everybody at home and abroad wants to see the downfall of the government.
Calling upon the law enforcing agencies not to share the responsibility of the illegal government, the former commerce minister said, “Those who go against the wishes of the people would be thrown into dustbin.”
