People never bow to unjust move: Dr. Kamal


Staff Reporter :Dr. Kamal Hossain, Chairperson of Gono Forum, has laid emphasis on achieving fundamental rights of people which is guaranteed by the Constitution. “Our people are very much political. Now, the rural people also understand the meaning of godfathers and syndicate. We have history and tradition-from language movement to freedom struggle-our people never bow to any unjust move or power,” he said while speaking at a discussion meeting at Central Public Library Auditorium in the city on Monday.The meeting was organized by Shilpito to paytribute to Shilpacharjya Jainul Abedin, Justice Mohammad Habibur Rahman, Professor Kabir Chowdhury, eminent politician Syeda Zohra Tajuddin and journalist Aurunavo Sharker. Col. [Rtd] Showkat Ali MP, M.A. Bari, President Bangladesh-India Friendship Society, among others, took part in the discussion. Senior Journalist Syed Tosharaf Ali attended the function as special guest, while Usman Gani, President of Shilpito, was in the chair.Dr. Kamal Hossain said that the number of corrupts is one percent of the total population and the vast majority of the people are honest. “They [honest] are the backbone of the nation. I also urge the students not to involve in any kind of unfair means in education and examination,” he said.Eminent jurist Dr. Kamal also sharply criticized a section of leaders who are spending huge money in sticking posters on others’ wall instead of serving the people. “We have seen many dictators and passed many helpless days under their rule. However, the present situation is not comparable with those days. We are all looking forward to see the bright future of Bangladesh,” he said.Renowned Journalist Syed Tosharaf Ali precisely evaluated the outstanding contribution of Jainul Abedin and others in their respective fields and thanked the organiser for paying tribute to them. He specially emphasised that the Bangalees had defeated the Pakistanis and their allies in 1971. “And like that our new generation will also defeat ignorance and poverty to bring the much-needed peace, progress and happiness in the public life,” he said.There were recitations of poems in the beginning and some youths also took part in rendering songs. On the other hand, M.A Bari in his speech disclosed many events which were unknown to the audience.At the end, the audience observed one minute silence to show respect to the departed soul of researcher Prof. Dr. Maksudul Alam and short story writer Poet Nayan Rahman. 
