People facing economic hardship in Chuadanga

Chuadanga Correspondent :
Most of the men of Chuadanga district are facing very economical hardship and cultivation of coming winter crops and paddy may be hampered seriously due to the dearth agriculture inputs and disruption of power.
Farmers are not getting fair prices of their products. Taking advantage of their economic condition some dishonest and unscrupulous money lenders are doing brisk business by giving loan at higher rates of interest. `
A large number of landless agricultural laborers are also passing hard days.
The farmers are compelled to sell their winter and other crops to the money lender in advance at a very cheap rates to take preparation for coming irri-boro cultivation’s. Meanwhile the price of bullocks leg recorded a sharp fall and most of the farmers have sold their `animals of normal prices.
Natural calamities and low prices of agricultural produce the favors hardship and they are not getting any loans from banks it is widely alleged by the farmers.
The number of beggars is increasing alarmingly in the Chuadanga and Alamdanga, Darsona towns and rural areas of 4 thanas 568 villages of Chuadanga district for the last 3 Months ago with is new acute. Cultivators Mr Hobibul Haq Vula and Mr Mosiar Rahman Babu said they could stand on their own fetch it they could get loans of help for the greater in tersest of the common cultivators.
At present `coarse rice which is consumed largely by the common people sell at Taka 48 per kg against Tk 35 half month ago.
Fine variety of rice sells at Tk 60 to 65 per kg against Tk 40. Musuri dal sells at tk 140 to 150 per kg against Tk 82. Ata sells at Tk 30 to 36 per kg instead of the 20 to 21. Flower sells at the at Tk 28 per kg, Soyabean oil sells at Tk 100 kg against 80, ‘Masterd oil sells at 160 to 165 per kg against Tk 102 a few days ago. Mug dal sells at 160 to 165 per kg against Tk 102 a few days ago. Mug al sells at Tk 144 to 148 per kg against Tk 102. Onion at Tk 100 per kg against 88 Tk. Garlic sells at tk 80 to 90 per kg against to 30. Zinger sells at tk 140 against tk 80 per kg dry Chilly sells at Tk 210 against Tk 150 kg.
Beside prices of all verieties of vegetables have gone up abnormally like because depression of the Bay through `this is the season o vegetables. The farmers said that they could not even get arrange production this year and consequently price will not come down.