People deprived of touch of modernity in Juri upazila


Moulvibazar Correspondent :
Even though there is so much modern technology in the present digital Bangladesh, 10-15 thousand people of some villages including Lathitila, Domabari, Langarkhana, Nalapunji, Lalchhara, Rupachhara of Goalbari union in Juri upazila of Moulvibazar are deprived of digital services. People in this area are not getting emergency mobile network services.
They have not yet felt the touch of modernity. There is no mobile network facility in this area. During the epidemic, students across the country took online classes at home. But the students here are deprived of that facility as there is no mobile network.
Local students and parents demand that their children get the benefit of this urgent network. Besides, some government and non-government institutions including some educational institutions do not have the facility of mobile network. Where people all over Bangladesh are getting digital facility at home, our students and general public are deprived of this facility.
Locals say that the network is needed as much as the prices of daily necessities, because living in a situation where there is no network in the present age is not part of a livable society. They said that despite repeated written complaints to the local people’s representatives due to network misery, no response was received. Even the local MP said the Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change Shahab Uddin MP when wrote a letter to the authorities did not take any action when the letter reached BTRC on his recommendation. In the digital age, it has created misery, especially for expatriates.
Malaysian expatriate Md. Faizur Rahman said, leaving his family in the country, I am living in exile. But sadly I can’t talk on the phone at least once a month.
We remittance fighters are making a living for their families for the country. Today we are deprived of this special advantage of network. “I have not been able to talk to my family directly in my home country since I was in exile,” he said.
Talking through emo-whatsapp is a distant dream. So with the present time, the people of our village should get the touch of digital Bangladesh. We expatriates should be able to talk to our families at least a little while in exile. I urge the government and private network companies to make this arrangement.
Atiqur Rahman, general secretary of Prabasi Kalyan Association, an organization of expatriates there, said, “Aren’t we the people of Sheikh Hasina’s Digital Bangladesh?” We want to solve network problems! Why would we be disconnected from the network?
While the government is working to build a digital Bangladesh in tandem with the world, we are deprived of the services of digital Bangladesh! Areas do not yet have a minimum 2G network. What will we do with the development of the country, if we are isolated from social communication?.
Kibria Ahmed, a local student, said, “We are not getting as many digital facilities in the network.” Future generations will benefit if we arrange a mobile tower considering the disadvantages of our network. Besides, it will benefit the expatriates in our area.
Raw material trader Maqbool Mia said that there are different types of seasonal crops including orange, jackfruit, satkara, grapefruit and adalebu. But because of the network’s inability to communicate with distant merchants in a timely manner, we do not get the right price for our crops.
Helal Uddin, president of the local Krishak Unnayan Samiti, said, “We send around 3 million grapefruits, 5 million oranges, 2.5 million jackfruits and 500,000 rhyming bananas to various parts of the country, including the capital Dhaka and Chittagong.
” However, with the advent of advanced technology, we will take it further.
UP member Abdur Razzak said, “The main problem in ward 3 of my constituency is network. No communication is possible here in case of emergency. We urgently need mobile networks to get rid of this scourge. There is electricity and good communication. So why not solve network problems? We want a lasting solution to this problem. If necessary I will provide space for the tower myself. Yet the people of this ward are touched by digital Bangladesh.
UP Chairman Abdul Qayyum said, “The main problem of the large population of the 3rd ward of this union is mobile network.” They want to solve network problems. Many expatriate families here claim to have the opportunity to talk to their children and family members once a month. He said that the famous green orange cultivation (production) of Sylhet is in this area.
