'Persecution' of Rohingyas: Pence issues sharp rebuke to Suu Kyi

Myanmar's State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence hold a bilateral meeting in Singapore.
Myanmar's State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence hold a bilateral meeting in Singapore.
Reuters, Singapore :
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence expressed the Trump administration’s strongest condemnation yet of Myanmar’s treatment of Rohingya Muslims on Wednesday, telling leader Aung San Suu Kyi that “persecution” by her country’s army was “without excuse”.
Pence also pressed Suu Kyi to pardon two Reuters journalists who were arrested nearly a year ago and sentenced in September to seven years in prison for breaching the Official Secrets Act.
“The violence and persecution by military and vigilantes that resulted in driving 700,000 Rohingya to Bangladesh is without excuse,” Pence told Suu Kyi in remarks open to the media before they went into private talks on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific summit in Singapore.
“I am anxious to hear the progress that you are making of holding those accountable who are responsible for the violence that displaced so many hundreds of thousands and created such suffering, including the loss of life,” he added.
Leaders of Southeast Asian nations, who will meet Pence on Thursday, are also expected to call for those responsible for atrocities in
Rakhine state to be held “fully accountable”, according to a statement the Asian countries prepared for a summit, reflecting a stronger line being taken within the group.
Suu Kyi, seated next to Pence, was stony-faced as he spoke.
The Myanmar army launched a sweeping offensive in the north of Rakhine state in late August last year, in response to Rohingya militant attacks. Myanmar denies persecuting members of the Muslim minority, saying its forces have carried out legitimate counterinsurgency operations.
Suu Kyi, responding to Pence, said: “Of course people have different points of view but the point is that you should exchange these views and try to understand each other better.”
“In a way we can say that we understand our country better than any other country does and I’m sure you will say the same of yours, that you understand your country better than anybody else,” she added.