
Through Social Facets

Md Shafiqur Rahman :
When financial and/or economic issues of a country or region are swayed by social icons, it set a bad example and the same permeates the social fabrics. These icons at times tend to remain outside the financial control system by transferring money to other countries, or keep in hidden form within country for personal gain evading government rules, which may in turn lead to cash flow crisis. At intervals, currency amount of large denominations may be turned over to be replaced by new version of equal value so that the hidden cash in hand is brought out to bring into circulation the idle money. To augment the financial management, stronger control over money transfer to other countries needs to be ensured. Software may be developed whereby government and nongovernment transaction of any kind is made by bank cheque or electronic fund transfer, which can be monitored in real time. Any unusual exchange may trigger graded alert system, where suspected transaction is verified. All business houses ought to be brought under uniform tax network. To encourage tax payment by any business, a system of eligibility for annuity may be ensured at a certain graded rate based on ceiling set in terms of tax paid over different defined periods.
With fast technological advances and rapid transculturation, social and family bondages appear to be dwindling. This bondage needs to be held on to as it builds up a person’s personality and makes aware of social responsibilities. It also may help one to build up respect for social norms and laws. Some of the advantaged people with strong social power may show little respect to the laws of a country. People must understand that law is equal for all irrespective of social power held. Recruitment process in the public sector is confirmed by verification of candidate’s background. This process needs to be strengthened with more emphasis given to prospective employee’s involvement in family as well as social normative and lawful activities. Before placement in any job, the employee needs to be given a short orientation on his/her job responsibilities as well as the consequences of possible involvement in unlawful and antisocial activities, so that alertness is developed to prevent one being trapped. Monthly work output of an employee may be self-recorded in written, and submitted to the supervisor for authentication and onward communication for better cost-effective human resource management.
Road traffic rule violators need to be monitored at digital signal points such that any violation is immediately noted through automated photogenic flashlight depicting the picture of the vehicle and/or person who will then be booked and detained. Functional decentralization of services from large cities to small ones may help to redistribute population density, leading to better handling of population burden including traffic management. Also, folk methods and media need to be brought into play using pictorial messages to disseminate important information on the issues. Quality standardized formal education may be ensured by institutes after acquiring accreditation from regulatory bodies. The accrediting body and the institute will jointly confer academic awards. The academic awards may then be applicable for use in employment in public and private sectors, or any other accepted purpose. People often do not know about the norms or laws of their country and so are not aware of consequences in case of violation. So, formal and informal education at any level needs to consider introducing forensic and behavioral issues.
[Md Shafiqur Rahman, PhD; Consultant, Directorate General of Health Services, Dhaka, Bangladesh]