Peanut cultivation gains popularity among farmers in Rangpur char areas

Rangpur Correspondent :
Cultivation of Peanut has gained much popularity among the farmers in the char areas of the region as its production cost is lower in comparison with other crops. Its cultivation process is also easier, sources also said.
Peanut has been cultivated abundantly at different char areas under the two upazilas during the current season and the growers are taking care of the plants with the optimism to achieve a good yield of their produce. Abdur Rashid, a peanut grower of Char Nazirdaho at Kawnia upazila said that he has cultivated the crop on two bighas of land this season . Last year he earned net profit about Tk 35,000 from its sale. He is expecting more profit this season. Asiruddin another farmer of Char Mohipur at Gangachara upazila said that he cultivated peanut on 1 bigha of land this season. The soil of sandy char is suitable for its cultivation, he further said. He is also optimistic of attaining satisfactory profit from its cultivation.