Asad urges RMG owners: Pay workers’ salary, bonus by Aug 28

Staff Reporter :
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal on Sunday urged garment factory owners to clear workers’ Eid bonuses and arrear wages before August 28.
“The factory owners were asked to pay festival bonus and other arrears before August 28. They should fix a date after discussion with the workers,” he said this while briefing reporters at his office on overall law and order situation during Eid-ul-Azha holidays.
The Eid-Ul-Azha, one of the largest religious festivals of the Muslims, will be celebrated across the country on September 2.
Kamal suggested the garment owners to discuss the issues with their workers if anyone has financial problems to pay salary and areas.
He also urged the garment owners to announce Eid holidays in phases from August 28 to avoid any traffic jam on highways.
“Security will be ensured on highways, railways and river routes so that Eid holidaymakers can go their homes safely,” said Kamal, adding, “Special measures have also been taken to prevent extortion from cattle laden vehicles.”
The minister said also that authorities have been asked to take adequate measures so that no cattle market could be set up near highways.
“Bus, train, launch carrying homebound people will remain under the surveillance of security forces. Besides, 33 cattle markets under Dhaka’s two city corporations will also remain under surveillance of CCTV cameras,” said Kamal.
He said plying of trucks and long route vehicles on highways has been banned for three days before Eid to ensure the easy movement of vehicles to avoid long tailback on the highways. The movement of sand laden vessels on river routes will also remain suspended during the Eid holidays.
“However, trucks carrying emergency medicines, emergency foods, exported goods will remain out of the restriction,” the minister added.
He also said, the government has taken special measures to ensure security at Eid congregations across the country.