Holy Ramzan: Pay obligatory Zakat

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
Zakat is one of the five Rukns (pillars) of Islam. The payment of Zakat to the poor and the needy is a fundamental principle. It is a yearly compulsory religious obligation of the wealthy persons-free, adult and sane. 2.50 per cent on savings once in a
year is to be paid as ordained by the Holy Quran. It is payable on our produces while it is more than 30 maunds and on our gold and silver, when it is more than 7.50 tolas and 52.50 tolas respectively and also on other assets.
The following are the categories of acquired property subject to Zakat : gold and silver, jewellery, cash, cows, bulls, goats, buffaloes, sheep, camels, articles of merchandise and produces of the earth.
Zakat means to ‘purify’ or ‘cleanse’. It has also the meaning to ‘increase’. It purifies and sanctifies wealth. Zakat is directly linked with the poor and the needy people for their economic emancipation. It checks concentration of wealth and ensures distribution to those, directed by Allah.
The Holy Quran reveals the heads for whom Zakat is due :
“Alms are for the poor/And the needy; and those/ Employed to administer (the funds);/For those whose hearts/Have been (recently) reconciled/ (to the Truth); for those in bondage/And in debt; in the cause/Of Allah; and for the wayfarer:/(Thus is it) ordained by Allah),/ And Allah is full of knowledge/And wisdom.” (Sura Tawbah 9:60, The meanings of the Holy Qur’an by Maulana Abdullah Yusuf Ali)
The Holy Quran reveals on prayer and Zakat : “And establish regular prayer/And give Zakat (regular charity); /And loan to Allah/A Beautiful Loan” (Sura Muzzammil 73: 20, Do)
We know poverty is a curse. The majority people in the countries of the Muslim Ummah including Bangladesh are victim of poverty. Poverty creates negative attitude towards life. So, the people in distress should get rid of this curse. Islam with its humanistic ideals has given the principle of paying Zakat to the people of different categories to eradicate poverty and to provide them economic stability.
So, the wealthy persons should avail the opportunity to be blessed by the infinite mercy of Allah by paying Zakat on the occasion of Holy Ramzan and Eid-ul Fitr, when virtuous deeds have multiplied merit to Allah.