Pay heed to demand for reopening universities


A group of Dhaka University students are demanding the reopening of all the university campuses that remain closed from March last year due to Covid-19, because all entities are open, even highly congested factories and public transports. The government from time to time extended the closure period. After months of shutdown of academic activities, online classes have been started with low attendance. The closure of academic activities has daunted many tertiary level students and hampered their preparations to face global challenges. It is a very logical argument, when posh shopping malls to local bazaars, religious entities to government offices all are functioning in full or half capacity and without inadequate inoculation of vaccines, why the education sector is remaining closed?
The government is in no hurry to reopen educational institutions or resume learning through alternative methods, when most leading universities in the world have adopted online learning tools, virtual evaluation, skills training and certification. A fraction of public university teachers have come up with support to the students’ demand for reopening universities. Most private universities are struggling due to financial insolvency, except the leading few.
 The public university students represent our society as most of them come from middle-income families and hold the thread of local culture, politics and business. Closure of the universities is like the closure of dreams and for most students and their survival also directly depends on the functioning of the institutions. Many students who live in dormitories rely on part-time jobs or private tuition are at risk of being trapped by drug peddlers, anti-social elements or even militant groups.
We hope the government in the quickest possible time will reopen universities, involve teachers and student in full swing to disseminate and create knowledge, which is vital for adapting to the new normal and future pandemics. Our universities must be well equipped with advanced knowledge and research to face future pandemics. We must admit that education and research are the only windows to see the future and prepare for change.
