350 contractual 'ayas', wardboys sacked: Patients’ service hampered in CMCH

Chattogram Bureau :
Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH) fired as many as 350 special ayas ( female patient assistant) and ward boys in response to ‘various complaints. The hospital authority issued a notice asking them not to attend work from Wednesday (Mar 6) .  
“There are more than one complaint against the special ayas and ward boys. Therefore, workforce has been recruited in alternative way after deciding them to be sacked,” CMCH Director Brig Gen Mohsen Uddin Ahmad told the media .
“Meanwhile, workforce has been hired through outsourcing in a phase. They will serve duties instead of the ayas and ward boys”
Besides, the process to recruit more manpower is ongoing, he added. Allegations have been raised against the sacked employees, who worked at the hospital with no official salary, for collecting extra money violating the rule of Tk 30 per patient for care. They became infuriated at the move of CMCH authority while some of them even demanded rehabilitation.