Sale in black market alleged: Patients not getting govt medicine from KMCH


Ahsanul Amin George, Khulna :
Patients are being deprived of getting government medicine from Khulna Medical College Hospital (KMCH) since long in spite of the fact that there are sufficient stock of medicine in the hospital.
 Patients are compelled to purchase medicine from outside pharmacies as some dishonest staffs, nurses and officials of the hospital have allegedly been selling government medicine at Khulna Heraj Market((The largest wholesale & retail medicine marketing the city) for a long time.
Talking to some persons who come with the patients told this correspondent that despite sufficient supply of the medicine, they are being compelled to purchase medicine from the pharmacies In front of the hospital.
Dr.ATM Monjur Morshed, who joined recently in KMCH as Superintendent said, I’ve recently joined this hospital, supply of medicine for 500 bed hospitals patients is not sufficient, yet Ill try my best to give medicine to the patients so that they will be able to get proper treatment, besides, if any staff of the hospital is involved in corruption, I’ll take lawful action against him.
Mean while, some irregularities have removed from the hospital, CC camera was set in the kitchen, however, I want cooperation from all to reduce irregularities and corruption from the hospital, Superintendent Monjur Morshed added.
Sources said, IV Canola, microfar, folis catheter, hand gloves, syringe, bandage, surgical cotton, antibiotic injections, medicine of diclofen group,ciprox, metro, sefurixicism, opmeprasole aand losectil are available in the hospital for the patients. But the important items of medicine are being sold illegally in the outside markets in collaboration with some dishonest officials, staffs and nurses of the hospital.
