Bhangura, Charghat health complexes beset with problems: Patients deprived of medicare facilities

Obaydul Islam Robi, Charghat (Rajshahi) :
Charghat Upazila Health Complex in Rajshahi has been beset with multifarious problems depriving the patients for a long time .
There is no modern equipment for treatment. The problems include shortage of physicians, beds, medicine, mordent ambulance and treatments, alternate electric system. As a result, patients are being deprived of proper health care facilities.
About 400-500 patients came to the hospital from different area of Charghat upazila evewryday . But they do not get proper treatment and are compelled to go back home frustrated. The hospital lacks modern diagnostic facilities including modern ambulance service. There is no insulation ward for the patients are compelled to stay on floors and verandas in an unhygienic condition. Sometimes the health complex authority refused to admit patients due to lack of accommodation.
However, the health complex remain very dirty, wastage, latrines, bathroom of the complex are found always overflowing with dirty water. Dogs and cats are found moving in the complex premise. The quality of diet is not sates factory, so patients taken food supplied by their families from outside. Beside, the bed pillows, mosquito nets and bed sheets are often found unfit use. Medical equipment worth several lakhs of taka like incubator endoscopy machine are lying idle for years due to lack of adequate manpower maintenance.  
The hospital was established during the Pakistan days with 25 beds. In 1991the number of beds was increased to 50. But, it’s not being open for the local patients. Scarcity of life saving drugs is another problem for the patients. Patients who get themselves admitted into health complex have to buy medicine from markets at high price. Sometimes plaster, bandage and other necessary medical accessories are not found in the complex.
Even out dated medicines are supplied to the patients from the health complex which is complained by many patricians. In addition, ambulance service in the complex is in a deplorable condition. Out of the total 27 physician, 25 posts are lying vacant in the health complex for a longtime. The vacant posts are that of Senior Consultant (Surgery), Junior Consultant (Medicine), Junior Consultant (Surgery), Junior Consultant (Anesthesia) and Emergency Medical Officer (EMO).
Patients of Charghat Health Complex told The New Nation, most of the physicians are busy in paying extra attention to their patients at private clinics ignoring the patients at the government run health complex.
UNO Muhammad Nazmul Haque and Upazila Health Complex officer Asiqur Rahman said, State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahariar Alom ensured that within short time 10 doctors will be appointment in Charghat Health Complex. As soon as possible a new ambulance will be arrived. Finally, others problem will be look after by turn.
Bhangura (Pabna) Correspondent adds: There is no operation theatre in 50 -bed health complex of Bhangura Upazila in Pabna district for a long time.
 As a result, the patient goes to different clinics. Residents of this upazila are deprived of the important medical facilities of the Government Hospital.
It is reported that there are nine medical officers working in the health complex including health administrator.
There are six other consultant physician positions but none was appointed . Whereas, position of residential medical officer (RMO) is also vacant for a longtime.
Besides, this hospital was upgraded to 50 bed four years ago but the modern OT facility was not opened. This is why the surgeon here works at a local clinic after office hours. However, there are plans to providing all types of services, including caesarian section operation.
Talking to the mothers about the onset of the hospital, it is learned that when the doctor visits the indoor, the duty doctor referred them at Pabna Medical College Hospital. Later, due to economic and other reasons, they admitted local clinics and started the operation. It costs a lot of money. They also said that the operation would be possible at a reduced cost if the operation was done at a government hospital.
Dr Halima Khanom , Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer said, “I am a guinea surgeon myself but there is no anesthesia doctor and there is no machine for disinfection.” Therefore, no major operation can be done with caesarean operation.
Dr.Md Mehedi Iqbal Civil Surgeon of Pabna said , I informed to DG of Health the demand for Bhangura Upazila Health Complex. All facilities will be opened only if the consultant and anesthesia doctor are provide there.
Upazila female Vice -chairman Azida Khatun Pakhi demanded the immediate post of an anesthesia doctor and a residential medical officer with the OT club supply here.