Patience, tolerance a must for democracy: President

UNB, Dhaka :
President Abdul Hamid on Friday underscored the need for more patience, restraint and tolerance to help flourish democracy in the country.
“The people of Bangladesh is democracy-loving ones. Practicing democratic norms and principles, tolerance, restraint and mutual respect are required for flourishing the country’s democracy. This why we’ve to show more patience, restraint and tolerance in national life. We’ve to respect the opinions of others,” he said. The President said this while addressing the inaugural ceremony of second the International Conference on Local Government organised by Municipal Association of Bangladesh (MAB) at a city hotel. Abdul Hamid said Jatiya Sangsad has to be turned the center-point of all discussions and solving problems. “I hope, all will play their responsible role form their own respective positions to implement the goal of Independence as well as meet the people’s expectations,” he added.
Pointing at the representatives of the local government organisations, Abdul Hamid said, “You’re the respectable persons in your respective areas and key men of local government organisations. The local government organisations become dynamic and people-oriented cenreing you. You are able to know the expectations of people as you have the direct communication with them.”
The President went on saying, “A link has been created between you and people which is very important for development. I hope you’ll continue to discharge your duties with transparency and accountability for the welfare of people being respectable to their opinion.”
He hoped that public representatives will reflect the trust of people reposed upon them through activities. People expect that every local government organisation will turn into welfare and service-oriented one through their representatives’ plan and people’s participation in it.
Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mojammel Haque, Local Government Division Secretary Abdul Malek, Commonwealth Local Government Forum Secretary General Karl Wright, Secretary General of Asia-Pacific of United Cities and Local Authorities Barnadia Irawati Tjandradewi, MAB Adviser Azmat Ullah Khan and MAB Secretary General Shamim Al Razi held with its President Abdul Baten in the chair.