Passing out ceremony of 8th batch cadets of IMA held

Business Desk :
The passing out ceremony of the Eight Batch pre-sea cadets of International Maritime Academy was held with pomp and grandeur at its own purpose-built campus at Pubail in Gazipur. Thirty cadets have passed out this year from Nautical and Engineering Division, said a press release.
This is the first permanent installation for maritime training in the private sector in Bangladesh. On 1st March 2010, the International Maritime Academy celebrated the passing out ceremony of its 1st batch cadets. Subsequently 496 cadets of seven batches were passed out from this academy, beside this 158 ratings of four batches also passed out from this academy. Presently, 29 cadets of 9th batch is undergoing per-sea training.
The training was conducted as per the syllabus provided by the Department of Shipping. On completion of two years of training at the institute, the trainees will join as cadets on foreign going vessels managed by M/s Haque and sons limited in reputed foreign flag companies. They will also earn their salary as per international scale. These cadets will join the ship for one year prior sitting for their certificate of competency examination.
Begum Meher Afroze Chumki, MP and Chairperson of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Women and Children Affairs Ministry attended the occasion as the chief guest, who is also the local MP for Gazipur-5, the locality where the permanent campus of the academy is located. She welcomed the concept of human resource development initiative of the academy and assured the owners of the Academy of her whole hearted support and expressed the hope that in years to come, the International Maritime Academy would continue to generate more trained manpower in the maritime sector.
Md Abdus Samad, Secretary of Ministry of Shipping, was the special guest. Commodore Sayed Ariful Islam (TAS), ndc, psc, BN, Director General, and Department of Shipping attended as guest of honor. Beside this many foreign ship owner and invited guests were present in the ceremony.
Gold Medal for overall best performance was awarded to Cadet Tasin Ahmed. Cadet Md Ibrahim Hossain received the silver medal as the best Nautical Cadet and Cadet Md. Mehedi Hasan received the Silver Medal as the best Engineering cadet.
A ceremonial march past by smartly turned out contingent of cadets was followed by an oath taking ceremony.
The Commandant of the Academy, Capt. Zaki Ahad, in his welcome address apprised the audience about the progress being made by the academy to enhance maritime education and training in the private sector. He also stated about the training facilities of the installation.
The passing out ceremony ended with slow march past by the cadets in line with tradition of the merchant marine.
The event was also attended by dignitaries from the shipping, manning as well as local dignitaries and the maritime administration circle.
Vote of thanks by Emdadul Haque Chowdhury, Managing Director, International Maritime Academy marked the end of the ceremony. The program called off with cake cutting and sumptuous.
