Non-stop water transport strike enters second day: Passengers continue to suffer most

Commuters continue to suffer most as Bangladesh Water Transport Federation's non-stop strike enters second consecutive day on Friday demanding for salary hike. Photo shows: all goods laden vessels being stranded.
Commuters continue to suffer most as Bangladesh Water Transport Federation's non-stop strike enters second consecutive day on Friday demanding for salary hike. Photo shows: all goods laden vessels being stranded.

Staff Reporter :The countrywide indefinite water transport strike entered its second day on Friday disrupting movement of imported goods through Chittagong and Mongla ports as the lighter vessels remained stranded.Besides, normal life especially in the country’s southern region, came to a halt as operations of motor launches, barges, tankers and lighter vessels remained suspended since Wednesday midnight.Low-income people suffered the most as they could not afford to travel on buses. Many were seen lying on the floor of country’s different terminals.Movement of the goods, sand and oil-laden water vessels also remained suspended for the second day as usual. Thousands of people bound for the southern parts of the country got stranded on Thursday. Many waited for hours at the Sadarghat launch terminal in vain. Some even had to spend the night there.Following the strike, the communications through waterways in southern routes were snapped. As the strike continued, the passengers underwent unbearable sufferings being left in the lurch at the launch terminals. Bangladesh Water Transport Workers Federation (BWTWF) has called the strike to press home their 15-point demands, including a minimum monthly wage of Tk 10,000 for workers and increase in overtime pay, festival bonuses and other benefits.On Friday, amid strike some 12 launches from different routes of southern region reached the Sadarghat terminal while three private launches left Sadarghat terminal for different destinations till Friday afternoon. Earlier in 2009, 2010 and 2013, the workers had struck work over their demands. Vessel owners had increased their allowances only in 2013. “There is no alternative but to go on strike. We will continue our strike if our 15-point demands are not met. Price rise has made our lives miserable. We demand a pay hike only for survival,” Enayet Hossain, President of Noujan Sramik League said.On Wednesday, a 12-hour tripartite meeting was held on the Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) premises, with Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan in the chair. But the meeting was inconclusive.On January 26, the workers had set a deadline of April 20 to vessel-owners to fulfill their demands. But the owners did nothing, said Enayet Hossain. “On Wednesday, they sought another 15 days, but we refused,” he said.Chowdhury Ashiqul Alam, General Secretary of Bangladesh Water Transport Workers Federation, said the strike will continue until their demands were met.On the other hand, Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan hoped that the vessel workers would withdraw their strike soon. “I hope the workers will call off their strike soon as discussions are underway with vessel owners and workers over the issue,” he said while talking to reporters after a programme at Mirpur in the capital on Thursday. The Minister said the vessel owners and workers themselves will have to resolve their problems.Pointing at the workers, Shajahan Khan said they should not go on a strike taking people hostage. The workers get Tk. 4,100 per month as salary, Enayet Hossain said, adding that it is impossible for them to run families with this paltry amount. “We have demanded Tk. 8,250 per month as salary considering the present market prices. The strike will continue unless our demands are met,” he said.Our Barisal Correspondent adds: Passenger launches, goods laden cargo, oil tankers are either staying in Barisal terminal or remain anchored on Kirtankhola River surrounding the river port.Except the three passengers carrying river vessels of Barisal-Dhaka route belong to the owners of pro-ruling party alliance, no other vessel left Barisal river port on Thursday night and till writing this report on Friday. River transport workers hold demonstration in Barisal launch terminal in support of their strike on Friday. Hundreds of porters, hawkers and makeshift shop owners depended on river port activities are being deprived of earning their livelihoods due to strike of river transports. Mass people, especially in the river isolated areas of southern region, traders and businessmen, daily passengers, and patients are facing sufferings due to water transport strike.Road transport stations became overcrowded and vehicles over loaded in absence of water transports. Ekin Ali, Acting President of Barisal unit of Noujan Sramik Federation, said owners seek more time, but we gave them three months time on January 26. During the time they have not taken any step to resolve the problem.
