Huge gathering of visitors at DITF: Participants selling lower quality goods at higher price

Mohammed Badrul Ahsan :
Al most all the participants at the 21th Dhaka International Trade Fare (DITF) are in made race to capitalise the huge gathering of visitors by selling lower quality of goods at higher prices, visitors alleged.
They said the stall-owners are selling different types of goods along with their defined items to cope with the huge demands.
Many of the participants engaged sales persons outside their stalls and pavilions with goods to face the gathering.
Besides, almost all of them are offering buy one get one free, hefty cash discounts and other attractive gifts.
“I wanted to buy cotton made three pieces, but the rate the stall-owner tagged after 20 percent discount is at least 30 percent higher than that of the price in other markets,” Nawshid Sultana, a visitor alleged. “We come to the DITF to find many products at one place and better prices, but the reality is shocking the visitors.”
“If the trend continues then people may turn their face not come such a place further,” she cautioned.
Fahimida Nabi, another visitor of the fair claimed that quality of goods at the stalls have significantly gone down as there would be no trace of the sellers after the fare.
“If we buy goods from a shop of any markets of the city, we can find them any time and blame them for lower quality or other faults, but after concluding the fair, there would be no trace of the sellers. So they are not crazy of their quality,” Nabi said.
However, the scenario in the stalls and pavilions of reputed companies are completely different. Reputed organisations like PREA RFL, Bengal Plastic, Samsung and others were found selling goods giving discounts and free gifts and their buyers were also satisfied of having goods at cheaper price.
Long queue were found in all counters of these companies to clear payment. No sales person was found idle. All were busy to support customers.
To materialise the huge demand, big and reputed companies were found receiving booking order of goods committing delivery to the customer’s home to lower the gathering and to further boost their sales.
“We are encouraging people to book their goods as it is not possible to stock such a huge amount of goods in our store in the fair. It is also ensuring our higher sales and saving time,” Amanullah Kabir Chowdhury, s sales person at PRAN_RFL pavilion said. “What ever booking we have so far received would not be possible to deliver within the next one month,” Nabarun Chakrabori, a sales person of Bengal Plastic pavilion told the New Nation. However, goods at some stalls and pavilions, specially in those of the foreign-owned one like Turkey, Pakistan, Thailand and Iranian were found busy to sell-off their goods at comparatively cheaper price at the last moment of the fair.
“It would neither be good for us to bring back goods to our own country not sell to the local agents at whole sell rate. Rather we prefer to sell off good at lower rate,” Anna Maria, a stall-owner of Thailand origin said.