Parliamentary proceeding needs to be dynamic for people’s dev: Speaker


Jatiya Sangsad Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury has said parliamentary proceeding should be reinforced and dynamic for the interest of people’s quality life development. “Parliament is a symbol of people’s hope and aspirations …parliament members and people’s representatives usually play dependable role for the welfare of the people,” she said.
The Speaker made this comment while delivering her address in a discussion titled ‘Parliaments and Global Governance: the unfinished agenda’ at the 5th World conference of Speakers of Parliament at Vienna on Wednesday night. The Speaker underscored the need for reinforcing and dynamic of the parliamentary proceedings for continuing peoples development trend by ensuring transparency and accountability of the government and uphold rule of law, transparency and good governance for the development of peoples quality life.
With the initiative of Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the conference was held in cooperation of the United Nations and the Australian parliament.
The group of parliamentary representatives of Bangladesh -Baddrudoza
Mohammad Farhad MP, Rumana Ali MP and Gloria Jhorna Sarker MP, among others,participated in the conference.In her speech Dr Shirin said the global challenges like climate change, inequality, gender disparity, emission of green house gas and food security should be dealt with integrated way in the multilateral decision making process comprising through the parliament members of the different countries. To increase mutual cooperation among the countries, the parliamentary diplomacy is playing role and IPU and the United Nations are working in this regard. “The existing problems and challenges of different countries could be tackled through parliamentary diplomacy like discussion and mutual of understanding,” said the Speaker.
Armenian National Assembly Chairman Alen Symonyan, Speaker of the Indian Lok Shaba Om Birla, Senate Speaker of Burundi Emmanuel Sinzohagera and Speaker of the Parliament of Montenegro, Aleksa Becic, among others, spoke on the occasion.
Speakers from different countries and other elite personalities also were attended the conference.
