Park Geun vows to strengthen defence against N Korea

AFP, Seoul :
President Park Geun-Hye vowed Tuesday to strengthen South Korea’s defence capabilities — backed by a defence budget hike — to guard against future provocations from North Korea.
At the same time, she said Seoul would try and work with Pyongyang to increase the frequency of family reunions for those separated by the 1950-53 Korean War.
In an annual budget address at the National Assembly, Park outlined plans to increase defence spending by four percent next year to 39 trillion won ($34.5 billion) — higher than the overall budget growth of three percent.
“We will drastically beef up our defence capability … in order to effectively respond to potential provocations by the North and other security threats around the Korean peninsula,” she said.
The President specifically cited a recent escalation in cross-border military tensions that was triggered by a landmine explosion that maimed two Seoul soldiers.
Seoul took a hard line with Pyongyang over the incident as both sides put their militaries on high alert and warned of a possible armed conflict.
In the end, North Korea appeared to blink first, approaching the South with a proposal for talks.
“The provocation was another reminder that we can open the door to normal dialogue and cooperation only when we … maintain a watertight defence posture,” Park said.