Parineeti walks like an Egyptian

Parineeti Chopra, who took off to Egypt on February 21 for a shoot, has been taking in the sights as her work trip has doubled up as a break too. A source close to the actress says, “Parineeti returns to Mumbai on Saturday from Luxor, Aswan and Cairo where she has been shooting in the freezing cold. She stayed on a cruise ship for the first two days. On Wednesday, along with her entourage, she attended the Sun festival in Abu Simbel.”
The Sun festival is a biannual event in Egypt, held at the temple of Ramesses II which dates back to the 13th century BC.
Every year on February 22 and October 22, the first rays of the sun sweep the corridor of the temple, striking a statue of the ruler. It attracts millions of tourists from across the world.