Parineeti Chopra to shoot The Girl on the Train in England

Actress Parineeti Chopra will head to England, where she pursued her studies, for two months to shoot the official remake of the acclaimed Hollywood film The Girl on the Train. She is looking forward to all work, and no play. She will head there mid-July.
“I am super excited to be shooting this film because this is a role that I have never experienced before, read before and I think the audience has never experienced this kind of acting piece from me. It’s a complete contrast to the kind of personality that is associated with me, so I am excited as an actor to do something completely new,” Parineeti said in a statement.
One schedule of the film will be shot there. “For me to remain in the mood and for the crew to remain in the flow of things we decided to shoot this film in one schedule in England. We will be going in July. Usually, England is always a holiday spot for me but this time it’s going to be like school,” she also said.