Parents Care School & College observes Independence Day

Chattogram Bureau :
 The great Independence and National Day was observed at Parents Care School and college premises with its Principal Prof Jaharlal Bhattachariya in the chair recently.
 Chairman of College Managing committee and noted homoeo physician Principal Dr. Abdul Karim graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Vice Chairman of Chattogram Education Council Alhaj Saleh Ahmed Suleman was the principal speaker in it. Secretary of the CEWC Prof Dr Sarwar Alam attended the function as honourable guest.
District Unit President of BHMA Dr. Samiuddin, Director Md. Jalaluddin, Admin officer MA Fazal, senior teacher Arjun shewli, Reva Rani Das graced the occasion as special guests duly moderated by teacher Jalaluddin Kauser and Mizanur RAhman.
 The daylong program inaugurated through hoisting of national flag and paid rich tributes to the memory of the martyred thouse lost their valuable lives during was of liberation in 1971.
The chief guest distributed prizes among the winners of the cultural competitions, recitations etc so arranged on the occasion.